Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cash For Laptops and the Commodore 64

Commodore 64
 Ah, how long has it been? 30 years.

30 years have passed since the superb computer, the Commodore 64 was launched. And we're here right now looking back at its former glory.

Named after the company that made it, and the fact that it has 64 kilobytes of RAM (Jesus, 64 KB of RAM?), it was an 8-bit home computer. The fact that it lasts till 1995 is really a feat; something that made it have a cult following, and something that made its maker file for bankruptcy.

Why did Commodore went bankrupt? Well, the demand for the 64 was so high even after all those years, that's why it is hard for them to create new products and discontinue its aging computer.

Nevertheless, the 64 challenged everything - from its competitive pricing, to its distribution channels, we haven't even touche the 64's specs.

Operating system Commodore KERNAL/
Commodore BASIC 2.0
GEOS (optionally)
CPU MOS Technology 6510
@ 1.023 MHz (NTSC version)
@ 0.985 MHz (PAL version)
Memory 64 kB RAM + 20 kB ROM
Graphics VIC-II (320 × 200, 16 colors, sprites, raster interrupt)
Sound SID 6581 (3× Osc, 4× wave, filter, ADSR, ring)
Connectivity CIA 6526 joystick, Power, cartridge, RF, A/V, IEEE-488 floppy-printer, digital tape, GPIO/RS-232

The Commodore 64 lasted for so long. It is so unlike the laptops of today that depreciate its value quickly. If you're planning to trade laptop to sites such as Cash For laptops, check out your laptop's value. I don't know how trade-ins work during the Commodore 64's lifetime but I bet it has a high resale value.

Author Profile:

Now working as a writer for Cash For Laptops, Mikaela V Taylor has a profound curiosity on technology and the future of it. She writes and reviews laptops.

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