Friday, October 12, 2012

Why and How to Sell your Broken Laptop

When you spend lots of years with your laptop, chances are, it is already old..

And sometimes worthless. You cannot use it. Modern applications and software can't run on it. The charger is dead. The screen is broken. You get the idea/

Trying to look for a way to repair this kind of laptop will just spell doom. Why? Because it is unrepairable. Well, you can. But the amount of money you will have to use will likely be greater than the amount that you will spend if you sell it.

Yes. Sell your laptop.

I understand that this might be a foreign subject to you. You can try checking out this post in this blog and this post on the Cashforlaptops Blog. Little by little, you can realize that sometimes, keeping your laptop is not a wise decision at all.

So, how do you sell you laptop?

You can do it offline - in recycle centers or trade fairs. But you can also do it online at The first thing to do is input your laptop's brand and model and then get a quote.

Actually, that's it. Simple as that, you will get a quote as to how much will pay you and the mode as to how they will pay you. Of course you'll have to give the details like your PayPal account and also your address so that they can deliver a box for you to send your laptop and ship it to them.

Sounds interesting? Take a look by Clicking here.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tips in Making Your Laptop Clean

Having a laptop is really something that people find useful. What with having something so useful that you can carry it everywhere. But is telling you right now: make sure that your laptop is always healthy or else it'll get old quickly. Do you want to sell your laptop quickly? Perhaps, you would want your laptop to last longer. Here are some tips:

Remove Dust and Dirt

Dust clogs vents, parts, the speakers, that part under the keyboard, you name it. When dirt clogs up the vents, it can even get stuck in the cooling fans, which will make it rotate slower, making performance slower and temperature rising. Clean the vents once a month to prevent dust buildup. To make sure you don't forget it, file it in your calendar or wherever you can be reminded of.

Keep Away from Heat
Make sure that the room temperature where you use your laptop is always cool. When laptop parts are always subjected to high temperatures, they get broken easily. Pro tip? Don't use the laptop under the sun.

Clean the keyboard

The keyboard is probably the main part where you get in contact with the laptop. This is the part that you touch, so whatever is in the keyboard, you'll likely get as well. Make sure to keep your hands clean when operating the laptop. Furthermore, clean the keyboard weekly or once a month. Give the keys a good rubbing using alcohol and soft wipes.

Always clean your laptop. Simple tips can be done such as those written above. Who knows, you might sell your laptop someday. A well-maintained laptop has more value than a broken one. will give value to your laptop. Just keep your end of the bargain.

If you find this article helpful, you might want to follow us on Twitter.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Factors in Buying a New Laptop

Are you planning to buy a new laptop?

Do you actually know the kind of laptop that you want? See this post.

If not, then let's head on to one of the most important laptop questions of all - how to pick one.

At, we sometimes ask ourselves when people sell their laptops to us, what are the reasons/factors for people to choose a specific laptop? The results will be varied and extraordinary.

Here are three of those reasons:

The Money Factor

This is sometimes the driving factor in almost any purchase - be it computers or other things. Do you like this high-end laptop? Yes? Do you have the money to buy one? No? Then move on and choose another one.

It's a fact of life that we don't get what we want, even with laptops. But of course, since there are literally hundreds of laptop configurations, it doesn't take long for you to realize that there are other great laptops out there for you that your money can buy.

I Like This Brand over that Brand!

Of course, I know you like a MacBook. Come on, you're not in this blog if you don't want one. Brands play a big role in consumer behavior. That is a basic marketing fact. In fact, only few people will buy a relatively-priced laptop with super specs but no brand recognition.

This is one reason why people love MacBooks. It has the brand value, hence when you sell Macbook at our website,, you get premium price. Because of the brand. And of course, the specs are almighty, but ultimately, it's the brand that dictates the MacBook's price.

The Type

All laptops are portable, but the specifications are numerous. There's a small laptop (netbooks) and there are bigger ones (such as the Thinkpad.) There are laptops with small monitor sizes, while others have 17 inches of screen real estate. Some laptops have optical drives, others don't. There are different types of laptops and this is where you would want to list down what specs do you like.

At, we accept your laptops that you want to sell,  even MacBooks. You'll know that your laptop is valuable if, after you sold it to us, it can still command a higher price. Bottomline is, choose a very good laptop when buying one. It helps ease your work, and will aid you when you finally plan to sell it for a new one.

Monday, October 8, 2012

How To Choose the Best Laptop Configuration, the premier laptop refurbishing company, has received hundreds of thousands of laptops since 2002. And you know what, every laptop has a different story apart from being broken. Most of them are of course, faulty. But you'll notice a recurring trend, perhaps one reason why people sell their laptop is because they were not able to pick the laptop configuration or specifications that they want. So in this article, lists down how you should choose the best specs for your laptop.


This part of the computer practically runs it. So, how do you choose it? You, of course, want the one that will give you the fastest performance. But keep in mind your budget and your needs.

  • Workstations - i7
  • Gamers - i5
  • Student - i3 will do.


The one that processes graphics, if your GPU is high-end, it consumes less power but sure to give you better performance than what you expect. There are two brands of dedicated GPU - NVIDIA and AMD. You can choose one of them. I suggest heading to their website for more information.


The one responsible for multitasking, without it, the computer is practically useless because it is your working memory. When choosing the size, there are 4 GB and there are even higher or lower, depending on what the laptop or computer has in.


You keep your files in the storage. I don't think I need to elaborate the importance or a data storage. You can't even run Windows if there is no storage where you stored it.

There are basically 2 types storage now in the market - hard drives and solid state drives. Hard drives are cheaper but slower. Solid State Drives are more expensive but twice, or even 4x faster than traditional hard drives. Take your pick. how to choose the best laptop configuration


At this point, you can just mix and match the laptop specs that you want and formulate the best laptop configuration that suits you. I hope this article from has helped you in choosing the laptop that you want. And of course, in case you are purchasing a new laptop, you can always sell your laptop at so that you'll get the cash to buy that new one.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Thinking of Having A Mac? Check Out!

Do you want something? Perhaps, a laptop that you want to use for school? What about for work? What about for lots of other things.

Check out on Facebook!

Fortunately, the MacBook can do lots of things for you too. Other than all the other apps you can install, it also has the flagship iApps that you will definitely need if you have a MacBook:

Remember that you can always check out if you are thinking of selling your laptop so that you can buy a new one, perhaps a new MacBook

Or, you have a MacBook that you want to sell, then sell MacBook, also at so that you can have moneu to buy a brand new one. It's pretty easy. Check out the website.

Slideshare version: above

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Our Green Patch World – Recycle Laptop For Cash by

Thank you for considering to recycle your used laptop and doing your part to save our beautiful blue and green planet. is always searching for ways to make our business as green and sustainable as possible.

We start with our shipping supplies. We reuse everything! When you send the padded box that cradles your laptop back to our facility, we reuse that box. Boxes that can no longer be reused are recycled by a local recycler. Same goes for the bubble wrap, padding and paper.

Most importantly, the laptops you sell do not end up in a landfill. Electronic waste accounts for 70 percent of the toxic chemicals in the landfills. These chemicals seep into the waterways and swept up into the air, triggering great harm to plants, animals and humans. Instead of dumping laptops that come through our door, we help wholesalers reuse and repurpose the laptops.

Help us spread the word about recycling laptops and let us know how we're doing as a company.

Green Power!


Monday, September 10, 2012

Green Ways To Sell Used Laptops By

How do you plan on getting rid of your old laptop? provided some tips on how to do it. I uploaded it on Slideshare and embedded it here. Of course, the text is after the presentation:

Planning to get rid of your laptop?

  • Then check out these quick tips first:
  • Be as cautious as possible
  • Do not let your guard down
  • If the site asks for money, it’s bogus
  • Take precautions in online deals

In Choosing a Company

  • Pick a company that has good offers
  • Do not go for misleading quotes
  • Go for a company that will truly satisfy your needs
  • Have a protected price

On the Company’s Background

  • Read about the company’s background
  • How long have they been around
  • Make sure that you will gain something
  • Make sure that you are not losing something valuable

How To Sell Your Laptop

  • Selling your laptop is very simple
    • Fast
  • Sell your laptop by filling out the form
  • Get your quote
  • Fill it the shipping information
  • offers free shipping
  • Receive your money thru Paypal or check.

Do not miss the mark and sell your laptop right away

Check out Cash For Laptops website at
Visit Website here

Source - Laptops For Cash

Thursday, September 6, 2012

CashForLaptops.Com Tips - How To Make Your Laptop Faster

Itching to sell your laptop because it is now slowing down? have encountered these kinds of laptop problems too with regards to what laptops people sell online at their website. Without a doubt it is a common issue for everyone who has a laptop - when it gets old, it slows down.

So how do we make our laptop faster?

We at have thought of ways to make your laptops faster. 

(Really bug down, you can also sell your laptop to us!) Tips - How To Make Your Laptop Faster

#1 - By Defragmenting

Just a heads up, data is stored in random locations inside the hard drive of a laptop. When you defragment, you actually are grouping this data so that the laptop will find them faster. That means it is slow because it cannot find the files fast. By defragmenting, you are not erasing data - just merely grouping them together.

#2 - Installing an Antivirus

I think this is a no brainer. You install an antivirus to protect your laptop from anomalous softwares, malicious codes etc. You don't know when it hits you that's why is suggesting that you install one. Check out Avira!.

You don't want to know how many laptops people have sent to us that don't have an antivirus. Yikes!

#3 -Disk Cleanup

Similar to defragmenting, A disk cleanup will run in this process - it will check the files that are not being used anymore - temp files, cookies, you name them. Oh, those programs you uninstalled? They may have left a remnant at your old laptop. A disk cleanup will do something about it.


We at knows that people value their laptops, but what is more effort for people to show value to their electronic devices by taking care of them - like avoiding at all cost for their laptop to slow down. 

If you, somehow thinks that your laptop is really not worthy of making it faster - it is too old, for example, then our website will accept you broken laptop. We even do free shipping. So check us out.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cashforlaptops Review Tips - High End NVIDIA GPU Roundup

Hey there, in this article Cash For Laptops will check out some of the high-end NVIDIA graphics card existing in the market today.If you are looking to get cash for laptops for another laptop, be keen on the graphics card as well as this will make or break your laptop buying.

These days, when people want to have impressive performance in their laptops, they need to use a dedicated graphics card, and NVIDIA is one of the best brands out there.

If you’re a gamer looking for a new laptop, then you should be aware of the best NVIDIA has to offer. Recently, their lineup is fully completed, covering the above – average performance to extreme. We’ll take a look at their four best GPU’s for laptops – the 660M, 670M, 675M and 680M and see how they perform. 

We’ll also look at laptops that support these configurations.

As the numbering suggests, the 660M is the last in place of the venerable GeForce series, but that doesn’t mean it’s slow. In fact, the 660M proves to be more than enough for most games.

Less demanding games such as Diablo III run at an impressive 60 fps on Ultra. The sci – fi shooter Mass Effect 3 runs at a similar 55 fps. The more challenging Batman: Arkham City manages to stunt gameplay experience, with 29 fps.

Several laptops carry this card, due to its affordable nature. You can find it in gaming laptops such as Schenker and Asus. You can even find it in the Lenovo IdeaPad y580 series.

Cash For Laptops Review of 670M

nvidia 670
The high – end 670M delivers better performances than the 660M, but at an increased price. It is based on the older Fermi architecture (the best ones now use Kepler), so this model is basically a more powerful 570M. Despite being based on a previous generation, it still delivers the goods.

Demanding games such as Crysis 2 can be experienced at a playable 29 fps on high settings. More demanding games such as Battlefield 3 can be played at a dismal 20 fps on ultra, but with high settings, it’s at a playable 50 fps.

Laptops that come with this GPU include the MSI GT60 and GT70 series, and the Asus G75 series. Toshiba’s Qosmio series also has this GPU.

Cash For Laptops Review of 675M

The 675M is the second best of NVIDIA right now. Similar to the 670M, it uses an older architecture, but with more powerful output. The GPU is essentially a GTX 580M, with more output but less energy consumption.

The results of the modifications are amazing. The demanding Skyrim can run on ultra with 40 – 50 fps. The graphics – heavy shooting game Max Payne 3 can be played at a respectable 25 fps on medium. With that in mind, it’s safe to say that the 675M plays all games. You just have to tweak the settings to make it work for you.

Laptops that carry this card include the MSI GT70 series. You’ll also find it in Samsung’s Series 7 Gamer and Origin PC’s EON 17 – S.

CashForLaptops Review of 680M

Using the new Kepler architecture, the 680M GPU is smaller than previous generations but at the same time, more powerful and efficient. The 680M is the current flagship of NVIDIA’s mobile GPU lineup, and the numbers really show.

For Max Payne 3, you can run all settings on Ultra with a playable 42 fps. The equally demanding Battlefield 3 is also playable at 33 fps.

You’ll find this GPU in only the most expensive laptops. Right now, the Alienware M17x has this, as well as the MSI GT70. Origin PC also carries this in a couple of their laptops.


If you’re serious about gaming, these are the only GPU’s you have to consider. While AMD does have its own GPU’s that can match up, we’ll reserve them for another article. And if you are serious to get cash for laptops for a new laptop, check out!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Get Cash For Laptops For This Asus N56

When was the last time you found a laptop that had power, features and design that was affordable?

If the answer is “never,” then don’t be afraid, because Asus is the answer to your dilemma! Want to get cash for laptops for an Asus laptop? Check this out first:

Asus, held in high regard for their wonderful products, from motherboards to laptops, has recently unveiled an affordable mainstream laptop that will definitely please people from different backgrounds. From gamers to casual users, this laptop has got it, all for just $1,100, the ASUS N56VZ-DS71. Let’s just call it the N56. This is Cash For Laptops Review of the Asus N56.

Cash For Laptops Review - Asus N56


For a thousand bucks, you get a great looking laptop. The laptop features a brushed aluminum lid with plastic edges. When you get cash for laptops and buy this one, you're in for an eye treat.

Opening the laptop, you’ll find that the aluminum trickles down to the rest of the body. It doesn’t have an island – style keyboard that you find in most laptops today. This laptop is simplistic when it comes to the keyboard.

It sits on a flat surface, as if someone just pasted the keys onto the aluminum. It certainly looks different, but not necessarily bad.

It weighs just 4.6 pounds, which is really nice for a 15 inch laptop.

As mentioned in the previous part, you get a nice 15.6 inch screen with a wonderful 1080p HD resolution. If you get money, you'll really check out this awesome laptop. When you get cash for laptops such as these, the visual aesthetics of the screen is the first one you'll likely take note of.

Everything the screen displays is sharp and colorful, as is expected for a laptop over a grand. It’s also very bright.


While the laptop certainly has a mainstream appeal, it looks like it is targeted towards music lovers and multimedia enthusiasts. This laptop’s audio is provided by Bang & Olufsen, a well – respected maker of audio devices.

In terms of volume, it certainly delivers more than other laptops. It also delivers impressive clarity and depth when playing all kinds of music.

Asus also includes a free Waves Maxx Audio 3 subwoofer to help you improve music even further. It certainly adds more low – end to the audio.


This laptop also packs some nice hardware to match the audio. It’s powered by an Intel Ivy Bridge i7 processor with 8 GB of RAM. You’ll be able to do some demanding tasks without running into any problems.

Also, this laptop comes with an NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M graphics card. While it may not be NVIDIA’s best, it certainly delivers impressive visuals. Playing games will be no problem for you, provided you don’t crank the settings to maximum.

Other Features

When you purchase this laptop, you get a bunch of software installed made by Asus such as Music Maker, and Photo Designer..

In terms of ports, this laptop carries a fair selection. You get four USB 3.0 ports, and a Blu – Ray drive and a lock slot. The included subwoofer also gets its own port, and you have HDMI, VGA, Ethernet and a 3 – in – 1 card reader to complete the list.

Get Cash For Laptops Now for The Asus N56?

For those with a smaller budget, you can opt for the less powerful version, costing $999. It has a measly 768p display and 4 GB of RAM. If you can, go for the 1,100 dollar version, because the improvements are significantly better.

About the Author:

Now working as a writer for Cash For Laptops, Mikaela V Taylor has a profound curiosity on technology and the future of it. She writes and reviews laptops. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Get Cash For Laptops For The New Samsung Ultrabook

Samsung Series 9 vs Macbook
When ultrabooks started rolling out, they were rivals to the MacBook Air. They featured sleek designs and great features, but after a while, things started to get weird. People started selling their laptops for ultrabooks but there are things about ultrabooks that got them to concern. If you want cash for laptops for to purchase ultrabooks please read this article about those devices.

Ultrabooks everywhere became more like experiments. Some had larger screens, while some even had optical drives – the very thing ultrabooks weren’t designed for! It’s funny to think that so many manufacturers forgot what an ultrabook really is.

Thankfully, Samsung hasn’t forgotten the ultrabook’s real roots and decided to refresh its wonderful Samsung Series 9 line of ultrabooks, reminding everyone that this is how a real ultrabook should look.

This is Cash For Laptops review of Samsung's Series 9 ultrabooks


Samsung Series 9 ultrabook
 Early Series 9 ultrabooks were constructed out of plastic, which is the usual Samsung deal. However, they changed all that. Now, the Series 9 features an all – aluminum body, giving it a very durable feeling. It’s also nice and smooth to the touch, comparable to Apple laptops.

Overall, it looks really elegant, and true enough, the measurements fit the required numbers.

This laptop weighs only 2.6 pounds! It’s definitely one of the lightest ultrabooks around, despite the aluminum construction. The dimensions are also just 12.3 x 8.6 inches. This makes the laptop incredibly compact and portable.


Keeping true to ultrabook requirements, this laptop features a 13.3 – inch screen (there’s also a 15 – inch version) with an incredible resolution of 1600 x 900. This makes icons and Windows overall look great. It’s not too small, yet not too big to feel cheap.

The screen also features a matte display, reducing glare.


Samsung Series 9 ultrabook
 Making this laptop feel even more premium is the wonderful backlit keyboard. This laptop features a dark blue light, different from other laptops.

The keyboard is a little shallow, featuring a non – island style. This means the keyboard is almost at the same level as the touchpad.

The keyboard’s keys are evenly sized, which is a bit sad. Important keys like Enter and the arrow keys look nice, but they could be much bigger.


Being an ultrabook, don’t expect anything grand in this laptop. Fortunately, this laptop comes with respectable hardware and is up to the task with daily laptop activities.

First, you get a nice Ivy Bridge Intel Core i5 processor as the basic offering. The i5 is more than capable enough of giving you speed and performance for most tasks.

For graphics, you’re stuck with integrated Intel HD 4000. While it may not be able to play Skyrim, you should be able to play less intensive games, or play medium – demanding games in lower settings.

You also get 4 GB of RAM, which is perfect for this laptop. It’s not a gaming laptop anyway so that number fits nicely.

You get two USB 3.0 ports, one 2.0 port and an SD card slot. There’s also a micro – HDMI and Ethernet adapter port.

Storage comes from a speedy 128 GB SSD. Truly, if you sell your laptop for a brand new Series 9 ultrabook, you'll get more than what you asked for.


If the i5 processor isn’t enough for you, Samsung bumps it up to i7 with an SSD twice the original space.

Overall, this is what an ultrabook should be – simple, light and elegant. Kudos to Samsung for creating a nice ultrabook.

Author Profile:

Now working as a writer for Cash For Laptops, Mikaela V Taylor has a profound curiosity on technology and the future of it. She writes and reviews laptops.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cash For Laptops and the Commodore 64

Commodore 64
 Ah, how long has it been? 30 years.

30 years have passed since the superb computer, the Commodore 64 was launched. And we're here right now looking back at its former glory.

Named after the company that made it, and the fact that it has 64 kilobytes of RAM (Jesus, 64 KB of RAM?), it was an 8-bit home computer. The fact that it lasts till 1995 is really a feat; something that made it have a cult following, and something that made its maker file for bankruptcy.

Why did Commodore went bankrupt? Well, the demand for the 64 was so high even after all those years, that's why it is hard for them to create new products and discontinue its aging computer.

Nevertheless, the 64 challenged everything - from its competitive pricing, to its distribution channels, we haven't even touche the 64's specs.

Operating system Commodore KERNAL/
Commodore BASIC 2.0
GEOS (optionally)
CPU MOS Technology 6510
@ 1.023 MHz (NTSC version)
@ 0.985 MHz (PAL version)
Memory 64 kB RAM + 20 kB ROM
Graphics VIC-II (320 × 200, 16 colors, sprites, raster interrupt)
Sound SID 6581 (3× Osc, 4× wave, filter, ADSR, ring)
Connectivity CIA 6526 joystick, Power, cartridge, RF, A/V, IEEE-488 floppy-printer, digital tape, GPIO/RS-232

The Commodore 64 lasted for so long. It is so unlike the laptops of today that depreciate its value quickly. If you're planning to trade laptop to sites such as Cash For laptops, check out your laptop's value. I don't know how trade-ins work during the Commodore 64's lifetime but I bet it has a high resale value.

Author Profile:

Now working as a writer for Cash For Laptops, Mikaela V Taylor has a profound curiosity on technology and the future of it. She writes and reviews laptops.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cash For Laptops - How Do You Purchase A Laptop

 So, how do you purchase a laptop? Do you just buy something you see immediately that you though is good to your sight? What about money? What about your needs? Cash For Laptops compiled a list of the 3 most important factors in purchasing a laptop:
First, you have to consider how much money you’re willing to spend when buying a new laptop. If the sky is the limit, then you can basically buy whatever you want. You can get laptops with quad – core processors and dedicated graphics cards, or you can go for a much more subtle approach.

Once you have a budget set, it’s time to look for what kind of laptop you want to own. Do you want to own a big laptop? There are many laptops out there, and it can be daunting to choose.

Just like the rest of the other things discussed here, brand plays a big role in consumer behavior. If you already have a budget set, then you already have a brand in mind.

Certain brands cater to certain audiences. For example, Apple doesn’t really cater to the crowd that cannot afford their products. They don’t have time for that.
Even if you have the money and know what you really want, sometimes you really don't like the brand. It is only natural that you won't like a brand that you don't know even if it looks like it is giving the best offer. Still, you have your own choice and it better that you decide by carefully weighing on things.

Trade Laptop at Cash For

Source: - Cash For Laptops News

Author Profile:

Now working as a writer for Cash For Laptops, Mikaela V Taylor has a profound curiosity on technology and the future of it. She writes and reviews laptops.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Trade Laptop For These Laptop Beasts

Alienware M17-X
I called them the beasts of all the laptops because they are simply just that spectacular. From Samsung's Series Seven Gamer to the Alienware; truth be told, there are a lot of very good gaming laptops out there. You might want to trade laptop for these powerful machines:

Alienware M17X
Alienware is pretty much legendary in the field of PC gaming, albeit in laptop gaming too. Here's what my other blog has to say:
What makes Alienware computers stand out is the ability to change the color of the keyboard backlight. You can choose from plenty of colors and you can mix them in different sections of the keyboard for a fun effect.

You can even choose the color for the grills, logos and other parts of the laptop that emit light!

Dell XPS 15z
Dell doesn’t need to make gaming laptops, because they already own Alienware, a brand synonymous with gaming laptops. Dell can leave all the high powered stuff to Alienware. Still, Dell manages to crank out a powerful machine on its own with half the price with the XPS 15z.

The XPS 15z features an aluminum body that is very sleekly styled, reminiscent of the MacBook Pro. The comparison ends there though, since upon closer inspection, everything is different.
 Samsung Series 5-550
The main benefits of this laptop are that it allows you instant access to the Internet. You can basically surf the web in an instant thanks to the built in 3G radio, Wi–Fi and Ethernet port.

Of course, the downside is that you get a stripped – down OS that pales in comparison to Microsoft’s or Apple’s products.
Retina Macbook Pro
The good: The unprecedented high-resolution screen on the new MacBook Pro with Retina Display makes images -- even simple text -- look beautifully clear. Despite a redesigned, lightweight body, the powerful components, including an Nvidia GPU, compare well to recent high-end desktop replacements. Overdue new ports, including USB 3.0 and HDMI, are welcome.
If you are actually on the brink of trading your laptop for cash (cash for laptops per se,) kindly take a look at the reviews above and perhaps one these laptops will be your next one.

Author Profile:

Now working as a writer for Cash For Laptops, Mikaela V Taylor has a profound curiosity on technology and the future of it. She writes and reviews laptops.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Trade Laptop With Cash By Recycling

 If you want to recycle your laptop, Cash For Laptops' News Site at has a lot of articles on the best ways to dispose of your old devices properly.

For instance, in an article entitled Recycling Your Old Laptop, here's what it is suggesting:
The best thing you can do is recycle your laptop properly. You have to take the time and effort to look for local recycling centers that specialize in taking in electronic components. If you can, return it to the manufacturer. Most of them have recycling plans that get rid of them for you.
The article, while stating the alternatives also mentioned which offers money for your products.

In another article, it discusses in plain detail how actually works and how you trade with the site's estimator page
  1. Choose your laptop model (brand name, unit model).
  2. Provide present condition.
  3. Send it (free of charge).
  4. Get paid instantly (PayPal or mailed check).
This is the one thing most people don't know. Shipping is free at Cash For Laptops and I recommend that you guys check it out too. So, trade laptop now, but a new one and I can guarantee that you will love your new laptop.

Related articles
Author Profile:

Now working as a writer for Cash For Laptops, Mikaela V Taylor has a profound curiosity on technology and the future of it. She writes and reviews laptops.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Trade Laptop? Cash For Laptops is Here To Help!

Cash For Laptops News is a site where the folks at Cash For Laptops provide laptop tips and tricks. In this article, let us examine some guides that the news site has given about recycling.

In this article about recycling your old laptop, Nico provided some tips about it:
Tip #1: Browse the internet for a legitimate company that purchases laptop units and parts. Using a search engine, you’ll immediately find what you’re looking for.
Tip #2: Take note of the site’s credibility by doing a little reading on their legality and operations. Better sites can offer respectable amounts for all laptops, regardless of their condition. For this, you can be sure that when you sell your old laptop, they will really buy it. You won’t get rejected or be given the runaround.
Tip #3: Look over the site to see if they offer the ease of access and the quality service online. Choose only the one with easy-to-follow instructions for the process.
In the article about Going Green, this is what he has to say:
Old and used laptops can be recycled in many cautious ways. It should be noted that a laptop unit cannot be thrown away like old magazines and food because of its toxic content. So what is the most convenient way to recycle it? Well, let somebody else do the dirty job for you and actually get paid for it! Knowing how to recycle a laptop for cash might aid in solving this problem.
I supposed when you trade laptop to re-commerce companies, they have these corporate responsibility of disposing the broken gadgets properly. Responsible recycling means caring for the environment. This is what Cash For Laptops has as a vision when you trade laptop with them.

So should you donate your used laptops or rather sell it? Both will mean they will be recycled properly, but why not get something in return? If you're the type who would rather donate it, these laptop brands accepts their own used products for donation:
  • Apple:  Apple provides free recycling of their used products.
  • Dell:  Dell offers free recycling of their desktop and notebook products.
  • Hewlett Packard (HP): HP offers recycling services for computer equipment, printing supplies, rechargeable batteries and other items, most for free.
  • IBM:  IBM offers recycling for the management of its products that are already at the end of their life cycle.
  • Lenovo: Lenovo offers consumers and/or commercial clients end-of-life management solutions for their computer equipment worldwide.
  • Panasonic: Panasonic recycles consumer electronics for free. Included in this program are the Toughbook notebooks manufactured by the company.
  • Sony: Waste Management Inc. partners with Sony in the "Sony Take Back” program, where any Sony gadget can be surrendered for recycling, from television sets to digital cameras.
  • Toshiba:  Toshiba offers free recycling of all Toshiba notebooks, Gigabeat® MP3 players and packaging as well as low-cost recycling options for other manufacturer laptops and consumer electronics products.
But if you're the type of person who would trade your laptop for cash, then Cash For Laptops is here for you. Sell your laptop with them and for sure you'll get value out of it.

Author Profile:

Now working as a writer for Cash For Laptops, Mikaela V Taylor has a profound curiosity on technology and the future of it. She writes and reviews laptops.

Monday, July 16, 2012

How To Get A Laptop Become The Center of Your Attention

Your laptop is old. It still performs really great, but as the years go by, it gets really boring. Sure, you’ve kept it looking really nice and all, but you just get tired of it. What do you do? Well, you could trade in laptop, but you can also get accessories to make it fun again to use!

By getting good accessories, you can prolong the life of your laptop, and even make things easier for you.

Cool Mouse
You may have a mouse with you when you use your laptop. It’s nice and it does whatever a mouse needs to do, obviously. It does however, make a big difference when you upgrade from a generic mouse to a better mouse with more features.

You can get a wireless mouse with incredibly accurate tracking. You can use it on plenty of flat surfaces such as paper, and whatever else you have right beside you.

You can also get gaming mice. As the name suggests, gamers use gaming mice because the shape fits your hand perfectly. They also have programmable buttons which you can use to your advantage.

Why should gamers have all the fun? They’re also great for casual use too!

HD Webcam
If you spend plenty of time on Skype or some other video chat program, then you can easily make use of an HD webcam. Sure, your laptop’s webcam performs nicely, but an HD webcam is much better.

One HD webcam you can buy is the LifeCam Studio by Microsoft. It has a very high resolution, topping out at 1080p HD. That means your face will be very clean and clear when you chat with someone. This is crucial for people who have business contacts overseas.

You can also use Live! Cam inPerson HD Webcam by Creative. You can take pictures with a quality of 12 megapixels and it even has quad microphones for increased audio quality.

Another benefit of using an HD webcam, as mentioned in the previous product, is that the audio is improved for your friend. They will hear you very clearly.

USB Modem
Wi-Fi may be free, but it’s not the most consistent way to connect to the Internet. Oftentimes, public Wi-Fi is clogged and everyone is desperately trying to make use of what they have.

That’s why it’s good to bring a USB modem with you whenever you go out with your laptop. You can effectively surf the Internet wherever you are without the hassle of connecting to problematic networks.

You can make use of new technology too! Other companies can offer 4G LTE USB modems, giving you access to huge amounts of bandwidth. You can take advantage of that to download all of the stuff you need at your own pace.


By getting these accessories, you can enjoy more out of your laptop than ever before without having to upgrade it.

Upgrading a laptop means you have to spend hundreds of dollars when you can just get a few toys to make everything fun again. But just in case you want to trade in your laptop, there's Cash For Laptops for you!

About the author: 

Now working as a writer for Cash For Laptops, Mikaela V Taylor has a profound curiosity on technology and the future of it. She writes and reviews laptops.

Friday, July 13, 2012

These are Tips on How To Make Your Laptop Cool

Your laptop is old. It still performs really great, but as the years go by, it gets really boring. Sure, you’ve kept it looking really nice and all, but you just get tired of it. What do you do? Well, you could sell your laptop, but you can also get accessories to make it fun again to use!

By getting good accessories, you can prolong the life of your laptop, and even make things easier for you, like getting cash for laptops.

HD Webcam

If you spend plenty of time on Skype or some other video chat program, then you can easily make use of an HD webcam. Sure, your laptop’s webcam performs nicely, but an HD webcam is much better.

One HD webcam you can buy is the LifeCam Studio by Microsoft. It has a very high resolution, topping out at 1080p HD. That means your face will be very clean and clear when you chat with someone. This is crucial for people who have business contacts overseas.

You can also use Live! Cam inPerson HD Webcam by Creative. You can take pictures with a quality of 12 megapixels and it even has quad microphones for increased audio quality.

Another benefit of using an HD webcam, as mentioned in the previous product, is that the audio is improved for your friend. They will hear you very clearly.

Cool Mouse

You may have a mouse with you when you use your laptop. It’s nice and it does whatever a mouse needs to do, obviously. It does however, make a big difference when you upgrade from a generic mouse to a better mouse with more features.

You can get a wireless mouse with incredibly accurate tracking. You can use it on plenty of flat surfaces such as paper, and whatever else you have right beside you.

You can also get gaming mice. As the name suggests, gamers use gaming mice because the shape fits your hand perfectly. They also have programmable buttons which you can use to your advantage.

Why should gamers have all the fun? They’re also great for casual use too!

USB Modem

Wi-Fi may be free, but it’s not the most consistent way to connect to the Internet. Oftentimes, public Wi-Fi is clogged and everyone is desperately trying to make use of what they have.

That’s why it’s good to bring a USB modem with you whenever you go out with your laptop. You can effectively surf the Internet wherever you are without the hassle of connecting to problematic networks.

You can make use of new technology too! Other companies can offer 4G LTE USB modems, giving you access to huge amounts of bandwidth. You can take advantage of that to download all of the stuff you need at your own pace.


By getting these accessories, you can enjoy more out of your laptop than ever before without having to upgrade it.

Upgrading a laptop means you have to spend hundreds of dollars when you can just get a few toys to make everything fun again.

Author Profile:

Now working as a writer for Cash For Laptops, Mikaela V Taylor has a profound curiosity on technology and the future of it. She writes and reviews laptops.